CBSE Affiliation No.: 2131522 | School Code : 70694 | Call US : +91 9005077260 | Email Id : | Contact Us | ERP LOGIN



Admission to this school is restricted to the seats available. Admissions are open to all students without any distinction of any class or creed.


All applications for admission must be made on the prescribed form. Application for LKG-UKG must be submitted on the date indicated on the school Notice Board, normally in February-March. A candidate who seeks admission in LKG should have completed 3 years and six months on or before March 31 of the current year. There are no regular registrations for other classes and admissions to such classes are made only when vacancies occur.

Registration/Admission Forms must be duly filled in by parents supported by relevant documents as desired by the school within the stipulated period. Failure to do so shall be a valid reason for cancellation/rejection of the candidate’s name from the list.

All documents required for admission become the property of the school and are not returnable on any account. Hence, the original date of birth certificate or in exceptional cases photocopies of all the certificates [viz. Date of Birth] duly attested by a competent authority should be submitted along with an affidavit.

Parents and guardians are hereby notified that admissions are strictly done on the merits of the candidates and any effort to influence the authorities through recommendation or corrupt methods, falsification of the date ofbirth, offering a donation, directly or indirectly or pressurize from any quarter, government or individual will automatically disqualify the applicant from getting admission.

A student who joins afresh from home or from any other school has to produce his/her official birth certificate/transfer certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the registration/admission form. Birth Certificates issued by the Municipal/Gram Panchayat or Baptism Certificates [For Christians] shall be held valid. The date of birth as recorded by the authorities shall be considered legally correct and no change or alteration will be allowed later on.

A student joining, from a recognized school cannot be admitted unless his/her transfer certificate from the previous school attended is produced. The said transfer certificate must be countersigned by the Education Officer of that District or of that State.

The Principal reserves the right to admit or not to admit any student without assigning any reason for it and his decision shall be final.

Being a minority institution, the Principal deserves the right to admit students of the Catholic Christian minority community on a preferential basis with or without some concession regarding the criteria for eligibility.