St. Mary’s School at Garoutha Road, Gursarai, Jhansi was established by Jhansi Catholic Education Society in view of catering to the educational need of the area keeping in mind the objectives of the Society that is to provide a good qualitative education imparting the human values like Peace, Justice, Equality, Brotherhood, tolerance very specially the religious tolerance etc. thus providing the future of our country the children the all-round growth so that they are well equipped and are ready to face the challenges of life as well as the society.
They also must become really good quality citizens with humanitarian values, who would truly make difference in the society. They would be an assets to the country and contribute their mite towards the growth and well-being of the country. This school has been established in this rural area precisely to cater not only to the urban children even to the rural children who otherwise will be deprived of the good qualitative education because this good qualitative education is the right of every child be it urban of rural. Similarly there are also many more schools of Jhansi Catholic Education Society with this profound view so that all join to shoulder the true growth the our Mother Country.
"With warm wishes and God's blessing".